Yeah we are going to start..WELCOME TO THE SITE…Our first post will be just an update on what’s currently happening at thoughtful farm…and as time permits and issues arise…both on the farm..or.. on the bigger farm scene…or as a current flavour of the day/month posts will diverge…hopefully somewhat…or not…ONWARD…Family…currently at the tail end of Wendy’s family reunion, people and munchkins from everywhere..the east and the west…Crops…next door to the Field pea harvest…haying is complete [unless we decide to put up some wild hay]..wheat and canola [non GMO identity preserved NEXERA] is podding nicely…we have not had excessive rain but for the most part adequate…Hort..currently enjoying fresh apple cider [from our press but none has made it to the hard cider stage…yet]…the GREAT strawberry harvest is over…the grapes are doing FANTASTIC…raspberries are tapering off…we MAY have watermelon again this year..cantelopes and peppers look good…corn is filling nicely…and so on we enjoy the bounty of the garden…..Livestock..the small critter herd..cows/calves/heifers/bull…are doing great down at the lake pasture and the horses don’t seem to ever want to segregate from the cattle….one happy family…the chickens {dual purpose} don’t seem to realize they are dual purpose and are still laying up a storm…those grass [and apple cider pulp] eggs are PRIMO…we have a new border[border collie pup and Arianne and Cole have named her MIKADO…now miki for short…ahhhhh the energy of the young….Kramer {our cat} has somewhat adjusted to the newcomer…Projects…our summer student [will be attending computer science at Carleton] and our cousin from Mexico have been updating the roofs and other seasonal projects here at the farm and have added all sorts of perspective to our converstions..{I have recruited the student on my bike rides but he is still not quite up to 50+ km…..we WILL get there…..students on my brother’s woofer program from Germany {x2} and France have also come…and adventured and helped…and gone…there is more on the go but let’s limit this first post…there WILL be time for comment on the plethora of prov. /national / and int issues and last but not least…THE OLYMPICS…GO CANADA GO !…Wayne and Wendy

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